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Yup. That’s me. I spent 8-10 hours working in a chilly, damp garage in Florida. I shook dust off of papers, boxes, and bins. I wiped mold off same. Floors were swept, aisles were cleared, organization was paramount! Empty bins were collected in one area. Holiday decorations (New Years, Halloween, Easter, etc) were collected in another area, gardening supplies in yet another centralized location. Guess who is sneezing and wheezing now?

That would be me.

Picture it: A crowded airport–a woman sneezing and wheezing with copious tissues, napkins, and wadded Kleenex bulging out of her pockets. Red-nosed, fuzzy-headed, and still drippy… yup, still me, scrambling, begging, badgering, and beseeching flight attendants for additional soppage material.

I have to go back to work tomorrow, I have PT before work. BEFORE work! Yeuck! (I was not diligent in maintaining the exercises while on holiday in the Sunshine state…)

After a dose of sinus medication and TWO hot toddies I am still dripping, still sneezing…. but I admit, I don’t mind at all… To bed, perhaps to dream (of warmth and health)…

I blamed her for my sinus infection/cold. Who else could it be? No one I knew had a cold or even the sniffles. She is wicked smart and I was sure she’d figured out that the way to get the germs off of herself was to spread them somewhere else.

It could be true. She really is that smart.

In my misery and fog I slept through several of my favorite blog entries and am now in the process of catching up. It seems that other blogs have also been writing of germ-laden days and nights. So maybe it isn’t ALL her fault.

Maybe (just maybe, mind you) my ailment was precipitated by long work days, short nights, broken sleep, and days that become dark by 4:15 in the afternoon. There’s not a snowflake in sight, but I have a feeling this is going to be a VERY long winter. Any season that starts with a seasonal cold before the season has actually started (who ever heard of an autumn cold?) does not bode well.

She had it first and it was a doozy. Now I have been suffering with it for the past four days and it is also a doozy.

The fact that she and I have not been physically closer than 15 miles apart for the past year or so is besides the point. I blame her for the cold I have. The sneezing, the coughing, the stuffy-head-fogged misery of mine is all her fault. She had it first. Now I have it.

You might think that is unfair. Sick is unfair. Do not expect logic.

whine… sniffle…snores-so-bad hubby contemplated leaving the connubial (hah! not with this cold, red nose, and stuffed up snores to wake the dead) bed… (please do NOT dwell on that visual).

The moments I have been awake have been spent working on felting projects and a brain-dead knitting project — knit around and around and around and around and around until I get dizzy and doze off.

Tonight I lasted awake long enough to type this. Progress of sorts, yes?